One-size-fits-all phone charger due this year

January 28, 2011 at 6:47 pm Leave a comment

A universal mobile phone charger to come on the market later this year will mean consumers will no longer have to buy a new charger with every new phone. The micro-USB charger will be compatible with all phones that can be connected to a computer, and will consumer 50 per cent less standby energy than regular charger models.
The move follows last year’s agreement between the European Commission and fourteen leading telecoms manufacturers to harmonise standards for chargers to create a common model for all so-called ‘data-enabled’ phones sold in the EU.
Welcoming the news from the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Northwest MEP Jim Higgins said the deal promises greater convenience for consumers and an end to household drawers full of old chargers fitting only one kind of phone.
“Everyone has been in the situation at one time or another in which they have searched for a charger to suit their mobile while away from home with a low battery. With the high number of varying models available, it can be difficult to find the right charger when it’s needed. But this plan by the European Standardisation bodies will solve that problem,” said Mr Higgins.

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